PHP SOAP WSDL How to call soap action with the same method name

PHP SOAP WSDL How to call soap action with the same method name

I have WSDL which returns me function list which is included below

[0] => ExternalCacheAccessRsp service(ExternalCacheAccessReq $parameters)
[1] => PingRsp service(PingReq $parameters)
[2] => SystemInfoRsp service(SystemInfoReq $parameters)
[3] => TimeRsp service(TimeReq $parameters)

How I can call PingReq function by


When I am trying to call __soapCall('service') it returns me first method


If you want to use __soapCall, the first parameter of the function is the service function, the second is service parameters. You can call it like $client->__soapCall('PingReq', $parameters).
– Cristian Bitoi
Oct 14 '13 at 14:28

$client->__soapCall('PingReq', $parameters)

Also look at another way to call service functions (below is my answer).
– Cristian Bitoi
Oct 14 '13 at 14:29

@CristianBitoi Unfortunately this solution is incorrect. I have message italic Function ("PingReq") is not a valid method for this service italic
– skyner87
Oct 15 '13 at 8:05

4 Answers

Thank you for your answer but both solutions are incorrect for this case.

In the first case Soap returns that I didn't pass attribute "CacheName" which is obligatory for "ExternalCacheAccessRsp" (first method).

In the second solution I have message that method "PingRsp" is not valid. The valid method is "service", but as you see on the top all methods have name "service".

The only way to do this is writing the XML request manually and sending by the method SoapClient::__doRequest.


Take a look at my answer here:

Given a SoapClient like:

$serviceUrl = 'your service address';

$client = new SoapClient($serviceUrl, array(
'trace' => true,
'soap_version' => SOAP_1_2,
'encoding' => 'UTF-8')

You can call your method like:


Best regards!

Your web service method is overloaded and so you should set the input parameters as specified by PingReq. The only way the server can distinguish between which overload you want is by the format and structure of the input parameters. You can examine the WSDL to see what the structure of PingReq is.



$client = new SoapClient('http://wsdl'); // <-- enter your wsdl url

// set $params as defined by your WSDL for the `PingReq` structure.
$params = array(
'param1' => 'one',
'param2' => 'two'

$response = $client->service($params);

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