Why can I run my app but I can't debug it?

Why can I run my app but I can't debug it?

When I run my app the normal way, everything works fine. The problem is when I debug, the app crashes. This is the error: Click here to see, please!
Do you know what may be causing this?

These are the error's first two lines:

A/art: art/runtime/jdwp/jdwp_event.cc:661] Check failed: Thread::Current() != GetDebugThread() (Thread::Current()=0xa5c0a400, GetDebugThread()=0xa5c0a400) Expected event thread
A/art: art/runtime/runtime.cc:422] Runtime aborting...

In this code:

).withListener(new MultiplePermissionsListener() {
@Override public void onPermissionsChecked(MultiplePermissionsReport report) {

).withListener(new MultiplePermissionsListener() { - this is the line I can't debug!

).withListener(new MultiplePermissionsListener() {

Do you get the same when trying to attach a debugger to a simple "Hello World" app? Have you tried on an emulator or a different device?
– Michael Dodd
Jun 29 at 10:59

@MichaelDodd No, I haven't tried on a new emulator. I don't know why this happened. I just commented my code and now I can't debug
– Turma RC
Jun 29 at 11:01

So you've managed to isolate the bit of code that causes this? Can you edit that block into your question?
– Michael Dodd
Jun 29 at 11:06

@MichaelDodd Btw, tried on a new emulator and still doesn't work
– Turma RC
Jun 29 at 11:06

@MichaelDodd I mispelled, I'm sorry. I couldn't debug*
– Turma RC
Jun 29 at 11:07

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