How do I add search functionality to my website? [on hold]

How do I add search functionality to my website? [on hold]

I am not a developer and I do not know much about web development but I am a beginner Pascal(Delphi) and C# programmer. I am currently using Adobe Muse to develop my website. I am close to completion but I would love to add search functionality to my site. I Do not want to use Google custom search and I know that I will have to learn some code and I am willing to do so. If someone could just point me in the right direction.I would love to do the same as this website, when Samsung is searched it provides three columns with pictures and headings of the web pages

I uploaded the website I'm working on to a sub domain,

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Jun 30 at 6:09

As far as I know, Adobe Muse is for static web pages, a search functionality would require to code so... Also Adobe Muse will be discontinued in 2020, I would not recommend it for an starting project. I'd suggest that you use some template and make your web with traditional HTML and JS, you can find very nice templates here: and
– Dknacht
Jun 30 at 6:21


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