Apache Livy doesn't work with local jar file

Apache Livy doesn't work with local jar file

I am trying to run local jar file with spark-submit which is working perfectly fine. Here is the command-

spark-submit --class "SimpleApp" --master local myProject/target/scala-2.11/simple-project_2.11-1.0.jar

But when I am trying with curl

curl -X POST --data '{
"file": "file:///home/user/myProject/target/scala-2.11/simple-project_2.11-1.0.jar",
"className": "SimpleApp",
"Content-Type: application/json"

It is throwing error

"requirement failed: Local path /home/user/myProject/target/scala-2.11/simple-project_2.11-1.0.jar cannot be added to user sessions."

Here is my livy.conf file, as some article suggest to change few things.

# What host address to start the server on. By default, Livy will bind to all network interfaces.
livy.server.host =

# What port to start the server on.
livy.server.port = 8998

# What spark master Livy sessions should use.
livy.spark.master = local

# What spark deploy mode Livy sessions should use.
livy.spark.deploy-mode = client

# List of local directories from where files are allowed to be added to user sessions. By
# default it's empty, meaning users can only reference remote URIs when starting their
# sessions.
livy.file.local-dir-whitelist= /home/user/.livy-sessions/

Please help me out with this.

Thanks in Advance.

2 Answers

Presence of Apache Livy jar file is the mandatory requirement. It wouldn't work without the corresponding jar file.

Apache Livy

My advice is next: just append livy jar file to classpath with java's cp option:

livy jar

java's cp option

java -cp /usr/local/livy.jar com.myclass.Main

or simply use SBT:

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.livy" % "livy-api" % "0.4.0-incubating"



Or your favorite build tool.

BTW, you also can upload livy jar file to HDFS and use it on your Hadoop cluster, it can significantly simplify your life.

livy jar


I tried with hdfs as well but I still had issues with that. You can check my query here- stackoverflow.com/questions/50969333/…
– Divine
Jun 26 at 9:36

You have to make fat jar file with your codebase + necessary jar - sbt assembly or some maven plugin, upload this jar file to hdfs and run spark-submit with this jar file which is placed on hdfs or use curl as well.
– Artem Rukavytsia
Jun 26 at 9:46

fat jar

sbt assembly





If you don't want to make a fat jar file and upload it to hdfs, you can consider python scripts, it could be submitted like a plain text withou any jar file.
– Artem Rukavytsia
Jun 26 at 9:47

@Divine I've provided the answer to your another question in details, please, check it.
– Artem Rukavytsia
Jun 26 at 10:02

I recently got the solution of local file reading from Apache Livy as I was creating the wrong request with cURL. I just replaced file reading protocol from 'file://' with 'local:/' and that works for me.

curl -X POST --data '{
"file": "local:/home/user/myProject/target/scala-2.11/simple-project_2.11-1.0.jar",
"className": "SimpleApp",
"Content-Type: application/json"

That was quite a small mistake but still, my jar file cannot be accessed from HDFS.

Thank you all for helping out.

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