JanusGraph adding edge doesn't seem to work

JanusGraph adding edge doesn't seem to work

I am trying to add vertices and edges to JanusGraph and it doesn't seem to work as expected. I am using Cassandra and Elasticsearch as backend. I am able to add vertices. I use code below to test if vertices and edges added.

this.graph = JanusGraphFactory.open("conf/janusgraph-cassandra-es.properties");
trv = graph.traversal()
//Returns count and runs as expected
//Returns 0 even though I added the edges

I use code below to add edges.

tx = this.graph.newTransaction();
Long vertexId = companyMap.get(Integer.parseInt(record.get("ASSIGNEE")));
Vertex assignee = this.traversal.V(vertexId).next();
Vertex patent = this.traversal.V(patentId).next();
patent.addEdge("assigned_to", assignee);

I changed code to according to Jason's comment below. Now I create new traversal object whenever i want to get existing vertex then add edge. It seems to be working now.

GraphTraversalSource trv = this.graph.traversal();
Long vertexId = companyMap.get(Integer.parseInt(record.get("ASSIGNEE")));
Vertex assignee = this.traversal.V(vertexId).next();
Vertex patent = this.traversal.V(patentId).next();
patent.addEdge("assigned_to", assignee);

FWIW, works for me as seen in this gist. Any more details you can add to your scenario?
– Jason Plurad
Jun 24 at 19:08

I create single traversal object to add everything do you think that would make difference what kind of details should i supply thank you so much
– DreadfulWeather
Jun 24 at 19:17

a full example would be helpful, like I showed in my gist
– Jason Plurad
Jun 25 at 12:55

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