how to reduce speed of datatable

how to reduce speed of datatable

Here is my code i am using jquey datatable i am fetching records from 1 table only but it's take hardly 5 sec to load records when i am trying to search records at that time at that time it's take 14 sec how to reduce data fetching sec i am already use searchDelay: 10 for reduce speed but still i am facing same problem.

Controller :

function customer_is_com_wise_datatable(){
$post_data = $this->input->post();
$id = $this->session->userdata('teen_is_logged_in')['customer_id'];
$query = $this->app_model->get_categories_customer_list($id);
$parent_data = $this->array_flatten($query,null);
$customer_id_arr = array();
foreach ($parent_data as $parent){
$customer_id_arr = $parent['customer_id'];
$config['table'] = 'customers c';
$config['select'] = 'c.*, as parent_name';
$config['joins'] = array('join_table' => 'customers c1', 'join_by' => 'c1.customer_id = c.parent_id', 'join_type' => 'left');
$config['column_order'] = array(null, '','c.phone1','c.phone2','','c.current_balance','');
$config['column_search'] = array('','c.phone1','c.phone2','','c.current_balance','','c.login_type');
$config['order'] = array('c.customer_id' => 'desc');
$customer_ids = implode(',', $customer_id_arr);
$config['custom_where'] = 'c.customer_id IN('.$customer_ids.')';
if($post_data['is_computer'] == 2){ } else {
$config['wheres'] = array('column_name' => 'c.is_computer', 'column_value' => $post_data['is_computer']);
$login_types = array();
if($post_data['main_dealer'] == 'true'){
$login_types = LOGIN_TYPE_MAIN_DEALER;
if($post_data['dealer'] == 'true'){
$login_types = LOGIN_TYPE_DEALER;
if($post_data['customer'] == 'true'){
$login_types = LOGIN_TYPE_CUSTOMER;
$login_type = implode(',', $login_types);
$config['custom_where'] = 'c.login_type IN('.$login_type.')';
$this->load->library('datatables', $config, 'datatable');
$list = $this->datatable->get_datatables();
$data = array();
// echo '<pre>'; print_r($list); exit;
foreach ($list as $customer) {
$row = array();

$action = '';
$action .= '<a href="' . base_url("customer/add/" . $customer->customer_id) . '"><span class="edit_button glyphicon glyphicon-edit data-href="#"" style="color : #419bf4" >&nbsp;</span></a>';
//$action .= '<a href="" customer_id="' . $customer->customer_id . '" title="Click to Edit"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit" style="color : #419bf4">&nbsp;</span></a>';
$action .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="delete_button" data-href="' . base_url('customer/delete_customer/'.$customer->customer_id) . '" title="Click to Delete"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash" style="color : red">&nbsp;</span></a>';
if($customer->active_deactive == 1){
$action .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="deactive_btn" data-href="' . base_url('customer/active_deactive_customer/'.$customer->customer_id) . '" title="Click to Deactive" style="margin-right: 5px;"><span class="fa fa-check text-success">&nbsp;</span></a> ';
} else {
$action .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="active_btn" data-href="' . base_url('customer/active_deactive_customer/'.$customer->customer_id) . '" title="Click to Active" style="margin-right: 8px;"><span class="fa fa-close text-danger">&nbsp;</span></a> ';
if($customer->private_room_allow == 1){
$action .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="disallow_private_room_btn" data-href="' . base_url('customer/private_room_allow_customer/'.$customer->customer_id) . '" title="Click to Disallow Private Room"><span class="fa fa-home text-success">&nbsp;</span></a> ';
} else {
$action .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="allow_private_room_btn" data-href="' . base_url('customer/private_room_allow_customer/'.$customer->customer_id) . '" title="Click to Allow Private Room"><span class="fa fa-home text-danger">&nbsp;</span></a> ';
$row = $action;
$row = $customer->name;
if($customer->login_type == '1'){
$customer->login_type = 'Admin';
} elseif ($customer->login_type == '2') {
$customer->login_type = 'Main Dealer';
} elseif ($customer->login_type == '3') {
$customer->login_type = 'Dealer';
} else {
if($customer->is_computer == '0'){
$customer->login_type = 'Customer';
} else {
$customer->login_type = 'Customer (Computer)';
$row = $customer->login_type;
$row = $customer->parent_name;
$row = $customer->cust_comm . "%";
$row = $customer->commission_amount;
$row = $customer->current_balance;
$row = $customer->phone1;
$row = $customer->phone2;
$row = $customer->city;
$data = $row;


$output = array(
"draw" => $_POST['draw'],
"recordsTotal" => $this->datatable->count_all(),
"recordsFiltered" => $this->datatable->count_filtered(),
"data" => $data,
echo json_encode($output);

View : Using datatable

var table = $('#customer_list').DataTable({
"processing": true,
"ordering": true,
"serverSide": true,
searchDelay: 10,
"length" : 10,
"order": [[1, 'desc']],
// "searching": true,
retrieve: true,
//"aaSorting": [[1, 'desc']],
"ajax": {
"url": "<?php echo site_url('customer/customer_is_com_wise_datatable') ?>",
"type": "POST",
"data": function(d){
d.is_computer = $("#is_computer").val();
d.main_dealer = $("#main_dealer").prop('checked'); = $("#dealer").prop('checked');
d.customer = $("#customer").prop('checked');

"scrollY": 450,
"scrollX": true,
"scroller": {
"loadingIndicator": true
// "sScrollX": "100%",
"sScrollXInner": "110%",
stateSave: true,
"columnDefs": [{
"className": "dt-right",
"targets": [4,5,6],
"orderable": false


the first thing you've to do is - print out your sql statement and take a look how much time it needs. $this->db->last_query(); is the keyword here...
– sintakonte
Jun 30 at 8:13


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