MacOS MTKView metal self.device.newBufferWithBytes crashes with assert

MacOS MTKView metal self.device.newBufferWithBytes crashes with assert

I want to draw a simple triangle and it crashes after I am trying to create MTLBuffer.


static float vertexes = {
0.0, 0.5, 0.0,
-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0,
0.5, -0.5f, 0.0

id <MTLBuffer> buffer = [self.device newBufferWithBytes:vertexes
length:sizeof(vertexes) options:MTLResourceStorageModePrivate];

Here is the assert:

-[MTLDebugDevice newBufferWithBytes:length:options:]:392: failed assertion `storageModePrivate incompatible with ...WithBytes variant of newBuffer'

So how to create a buffer from the vertexes using MTLResourceStorageModePrivate option?

1 Answer

You must create a temporary blit buffer and use it to copy the contents to the private buffer. Here's example code:

buffer = [self.device newBufferWithLength:sizeof( vertexes )

id<MTLBuffer> blitBuffer = [self.device newBufferWithBytes:vertexes
length:sizeof( vertexes )

id <MTLCommandBuffer> cmd_buffer = [commandQueue commandBuffer];
id <MTLBlitCommandEncoder> blit_encoder = [cmd_buffer blitCommandEncoder];
[blit_encoder copyFromBuffer:blitBuffer
size:sizeof( vertexes )];
[blit_encoder endEncoding];
[cmd_buffer commit];
[cmd_buffer waitUntilCompleted];

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