Python, Pandas, sum only taking uniques

Python, Pandas, sum only taking uniques

An Excel spreadsheet like below (note: ID the column A has duplicated values). I want to find out sum of each Contract_type, taking each ID is counted once only (unique).

enter image description here

data = {'ID': ["380689","380689","480562","480562","480562","14805","47089","56251","56251","56251","322624","322624","322624","85964","85964","85964","342225","342225","4589","23591","23591","235225"],
'Contract_type' : ["Other","Other","Type-I","Type-I","Type-I","Type-II","Type-II","Type-II","Type-II","Type-II","Type-II","Type-II","Type-II","Type-III","Type-III","Type-III","Part-time","Part-time","Part-time","Full-time","Full-time","Full-time"],
'Unit_Weight': [335,335,119,119,119,119,52,452,452,452,19,19,19,165,165,165,165,165,165,724,724,16],
'Test_time' : ["16:26","07:39","18:48","22:32","03:54","03:30","09:57","18:52","19:03","18:06","18:52","03:51","04:00","22:02","13:35","13:43","10:29","06:30","12:20","12:52","17:30","13:10"],
'Tested' : [1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0],
'Internal' : [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1]}

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

I tried:

print pd.pivot_table(df, index = ["Contract_type", "ID"]).Unit_Weight

It gives:

Contract_type ID
Full-time 23591 724
235225 16
Other 380689 335

But I only want it to show something like: Full-time 740 etc.

I also tried:

print pd.pivot_table(df, index = ["Contract_type"], values=["Unit_Weight"], aggfunc = np.sum)

It gives:

Full-time 1464 # this is not considering the duplicated IDs

What's the right way to right the line? Thank you.

What is expected output?
– jezrael
2 days ago

Please, no data as images, as always...
– SpghttCd
2 days ago

@jezrael, hello sir. like Full-time 740, Other 335, Part-time 330, Type-I 119, Type-II 642, Type-III 165
– Mark K
2 days ago

Why is other -> 335 and not 670?
– SpghttCd
2 days ago

Ah, that's my misunderstanding, thanks for clarifying
– SpghttCd
2 days ago

2 Answers

It looks like you want to only take each (ID, Contract-Type) couple into account only once, so I don't think df.groupby(['Contract_type', 'ID]).Unit_Weight.sum() would work.

df.groupby(['Contract_type', 'ID]).Unit_Weight.sum()

Instead you can try:

df.drop_duplicates(['Contract_type', 'ID']).groupby('Contract_type').Unit_Weight.sum()

thank you for your help, and clarification. very good skill!
– Mark K
2 days ago

I think need:

df1 = (df.drop_duplicates(['Contract_type', 'ID'])

print (df1)
Contract_type Unit_Weight
0 Other 335
1 Type-I 119
2 Type-II 642
3 Type-III 165
4 Part-time 330
5 Full-time 740

thank you. it's the perfect answer!
– Mark K
2 days ago

This answer won't work since x.unique() will apply on the Unit_weight column, which means that two rows with different IDs but the same contract_type and same unit_weight will only be accounted for once
– Zuma
2 days ago


@jezrael, sir, the Part-time: 165 from your answer is wrong. could you please have a look?
– Mark K
2 days ago

@jezrael, there are 2 unique IDs shall give 330.
– Mark K
2 days ago

@MarkK - Now understand, need check dupes for both columns. Check edited answer, similar by Alexandre Uzan solution.
– jezrael
2 days ago

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