taskSnapshot.downloadUrl.toString() dont work in Kotlin

taskSnapshot.downloadUrl.toString() dont work in Kotlin

Code Img

I'm trying to follow a tutorial but the part that teaches the value of DownloadURL = taskSnapshot.downloadUrl.toString() does not work anymore.
I tried to substitute some options like :

DownloadURL = taskSnapshot.downloadUrl.toString()

val DownloadURL = taskSnapshot.storage.downloadUrl.toString()

Or :

val DownloadURL = ImageRef.downloadUrl.toString()

But I only get print values such as :

com.google.android.gms.tasks.zzu@8a94cv2 and not a valid url.

Think we need a little bit more code. What is class is ImageRef since it seems like you don't follow common casing conventions and is probably a val?
– JRomero
2 days ago



I inserted an image with a code sample and println. I think it has something to do with the firebase-storage version.
– MSilva
2 days ago

2 Answers

The reason is that the getDownloadUrl() method does not return a URL or a String, it returns a Task<URI> based on this documentation.



If you would like to get the Uri itself, then you can use the getResult() to get the result and then do a .toString() on that.



I also did something like this before creating the topic. If I use: var url = taskSnapshot.result I get something like com.google.firebase.storage.UploadTask$TaskSnapshot@de56db
– MSilva
2 days ago

I got it by taking the result, but in a syntax as I posted it. Thank you.
– MSilva

I can not say exactly why it did not work with other syntaxes, but I got the result doing it this way:
(Firebase implementation version: 16.0.1 / Kotlin)

My solution:

mReference.putFile (uri) .addOnFailureListener {
// failure
} .addOnSuccessListener () {taskSnapshot ->
// success
mReference.downloadUrl.addOnCompleteListener () {taskSnapshot ->

var url = taskSnapshot.result
println ("url =" + url.toString ())


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