Want to close popup window after form submit

Want to close popup window after form submit

I want to close child popup window after form submit and go to parent window where this child window fire and refresh this parent window.

Parent window code(where i want to open popup window)

function selectParticipants(id) {
window.open('<?php echo base_url(); ?>
trainings/get_paticipant_list/' + id, 'popup', 'width=1000,height=600');

here i open a child window.

popup window code(where i submit form data then close this window at a time)

<form method="post" name="participant_form" action ="<?php echo base_url();?>trainings/add_participant/" onsubmit="Setvalues();">

function Setvalues() {

Here i want to close this popup window after form submit and reload parent window,but if i use onsubmit or onclick event popupwindow will close and parent window will reloaded but form value not store in database,if i not use onsubmit or onclick form has submited but popup not close.

1 Answer

Please declare a variale for window.open :

function selectParticipants(id) {
myWindow = window.open('<?php echo base_url(); ?>
trainings/get_paticipant_list/' + id, 'popup', 'width=1000,height=600');

While closing use this :


my window will close ,but i want to at a time form data will store in data base as well as popup window close
– dipti
2 days ago

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