Embed Mongodb with Electron

Embed Mongodb with Electron

I am keeping MongoDB source code inside electron source code and running MongoDB using this command :

const app = require('electron').app;
const child_process = require('child_process');
const dbInstanceDir = app.getAppPath();
const startMongo = dbInstanceDir + mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath mydbpath --port 27017 --logpath mylogfile

child_process.exec(startMongo, (error, stdout, stderr) => {

Above command is working while development but it not working after bundling. I am using electron builder to make bundle. MongoDB source code is at root level.

enter image description here

Check in the asar file if there is or not the Mongo folder
– Leonardo Buscemi
2 days ago

Yes, it's there.
– Rohit
2 days ago

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