Use system variable in spring boot [duplicate]

Use system variable in spring boot [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I have defined a variable in my .bash_profile like this :

export PROFILE=local

Now, I want to get this value in my spring boot application to load different configuration files according to this value.

To do this, I used the annotation @Value but spring can't resolve the value of profile :

private String environment;

What have I missed ?

This code is launched from a JUnit test inside Eclipse (launched as desktop application)

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

did you try ${PROFILE}
– pvpkiran
2 days ago


Yes and it doesn't work !
– midix
2 days ago

This may help you :…
– Thoomas
2 days ago

2 Answers

You should add ENV_NAME in your properties file. Or you can pass it from command line using . ENV_NAME


You can also use Map<String, String> getenv = System.getenv(); to get all the environment variables in your code. Then you'll have access to all env variables.

Map<String, String> getenv = System.getenv();

I don't want to have, because I don't want that api keys or other critical information are on our git repo.
– midix
2 days ago

You can use jasypt to encrypt values in properties file. Or you can any way send the same profile name through command prompt using -Dprofile=ENV_NAME and get it using @Value
– pkgajulapalli
2 days ago





You can do it with the help of this Environment class.


Environment environment;

and then

String profile = ((StandardServletEnvironment) environment).getSystemEnvironment().get("PROFILE").toString();

It returns a null value :/
– midix
2 days ago

System properties and environment variables are two different things!
– Seelenvirtuose
2 days ago


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