Virus Scanning on File Upload C# ASP Core 1.1 Multipart file
Virus Scanning on File Upload C# ASP Core 1.1 Multipart file Working on a file upload that will allow clients from outside to upload large files (well, containing 10000 rows in a text file). I'm using the multipart file stream upload that I have found on many helpful posts because IFomrFile couldn't seem to handle more than 1000 rows. My questions is, as this is working fine, Does anyone know how we can scan the file for virus's etc during the fileupload process? Can things like virus's be sent like this (I'm guessing yes)? Any other security concerns? Many thanks By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy, and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies.