How can we retrieve public key from private key ( protected with passphrase ) using python's Cryptography library?
How can we retrieve public key from private key ( protected with passphrase ) using python's Cryptography library?
I want to use python's Cryptography library to get public key from private key(which could be protected by passphrase also). How can I do that similar to Python's CryptoDome library ?
James K, can you point me to the link? I couldn't find it.
– Bharat MV
2 days ago
Here it is for RSA. And here it is for elliptic curves, and here for diffie-hellman. Each type of private key has a method called
.– James K Polk
2 days ago
@JamesKPolk Using this API, I am not getting whatever ssh-keygen -y -f <key_file> returns as public key. Apparently there can be infinite public keys for a given private key and also the public key it is generating starts with BEGIN PUBLIC KEY. The above ssh-keygen command returns public key like: ssh-rsa ABCD . Can I get public key whatever the above ssh-keygen command returns? The way I am retrieving public key using the Cryptography library is:
– Bharat MV
23 hours ago
I googled and looks like I have to use serialization.Encoding.OpenSSH and serialization.PublicFormat.OpenSSH . Is that right?
– Bharat MV
23 hours ago
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By using the
method.– James K Polk
Jun 29 at 22:44