Trying to populate 16 random images using Math.random and a filter
Trying to populate 16 random images using Math.random and a filter
``import React from 'react'
import { getCard } from '../redux'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import CardBoard from './CardBoard'
class Board extends React.Component{
let gameCard = Math.floor(Math.random() * (54 - 2) +2);
const game = () => {
let cards = ;
if(cards.length < 16) {
return cards;
.filter(one => one.number === gameCard)
.map(card => (
export default connect(state => state, { getCard })(Board)``
Thank you Tholle, I have updated to include the entire component
– B L
39 secs ago
1 Answer
In your if statement you always push just 1 item into your array. Here:
let cards = ;
if (cards.length < 16) {
Instead of this, try a do while statement:
do {
while (cards.length <= 16);
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Welcome to stackoverflow B L! There is not quite enough information in your question for us to help you, sadly. Do you think you could include your entire component?
– Tholle
11 mins ago